

So I made my own life stream or friend feed or whatever. I don't like the sterile &quot; ______ has _______ed a new ____&quot; format used by sites or services of this kind and wanted mine to be a virtual <a href="">Snoezelen</a>. From the description on Wikipedia: Ideally, snoezelen is a non-directive therapy and can be staged to provide a multi-sensory experience or single sensory focus, simply by adapting the lighting, atmosphere, sounds, and textures to the specific needs of the client at the time of use. There is no formal focus on therapeutic outcome - the focus is to assist users to gain the maximum pleasure from the activity in which they and the enabler are involved. An advantage of snoezelen is that it does not rely on verbal communication and may be beneficial for people with profound autism, as it may provide stimulation for those who would otherwise be almost impossible to reach.