it's tagged collapse

The Technium: Collapsitarians

The only thing left to believe in is collapse. That's not boring! The end of civilization would be terribly exciting, and unlike any future we could imagine, probably more likely. Dystopias are a favorite science fiction destination now. We all are collapsitarians these days.

California controller to suspend tax refunds, welfare checks, student grants - Los Angeles Times

By March, the state would be so far in the red that even continuing to suspend payments would not cover the shortfall. California would be insolvent - Transcripts

Our world has changed; it just hasn`t caught up.

The Great Consumer Crash of 2009 - Seeking Alpha

My biggest concern is that our politician leaders and their cronies running our government will continue to try and reverse the normal capitalistic course of recession and expansion. Companies need to fail, housing needs to find its bottom based on supply, demand and price. Those who gambled must be allowed to lose and suffer the consequences.