it's tagged drugs

Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations

To translate visual patterns to neural activity, what is needed is a coordinate map, a rule which links each point in the visual field to a point on the flat model of V1. In the 1970s scientists including Cowan came up with just such a map, based on anatomical knowledge of how neurons in the retina communicate with neurons in V1.

Mind Hacks: Do blind people hallucinate on LSD?

It is evident that a normal retina is not needed for the occurrence of LSD-induced visual experiences. These visual experiences do not seem to differ from the hallucinations reported by normal subjects after LSD. Such phenomena occurred only in blind subjects who reported prior visual activity. The drug increased the frequency of visual events such as spots, lights, dots, and flickers. However, the complex visual experiences reported by 3 subjects after LSD did not occur after placebo or in ordinary experience. It is interesting to note that duration of blindness was not related to the occurrence of visual hallucinations; nor was intelligence, acuity of visual memory, or use of visual imagery in speech.

Renewable Music: The Ancient Habits of Musicians

The burial is that of a 45 year old male. The grave goods included bridles, archery equipment, a harp, a leather basket, and a wooden bowl. Both the basket and the bowl were filled with vegetative matter - about 789 grams (~ 1 pound 11 ounces). Radiocarbon dating was performed and a calibrated date of 2,700 years BP was returned. Analysis of the vegetative material indicated it was Cannabis sativa. Furthing testing indicated it was psychoactive.

Web delivers new worry for parents: Digital drugs -

The article never answers its own question: "But can music create the same effects as illegal drugs?" Also, don't expect it to explain how binaural beats actually work.

Loretta Nall: Some Drug Traffickers Are More Equal Than Others

On March 3, 2008 John Alexander Rochester, son of 40th Circuit Court Judge John Rochester, was arrested at the Ashland City Park in Ashland, AL for possession of meth, first degree possession of marijuana, trafficking cocaine, possession of paraphernalia,

Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Ryan Frederick's Preliminary Hearing

your only option is stand somewhere in your own house with your hands in the air, wait for the door to come down, and hope the raiding officers don't mistake your t-shirt for a gun, or possibly trip or mistakenly fire and accidentally kill you [Sounds lik

Some Detainees Are Drugged For Deportation (

The few times officials have spoken of the practice, they have understated it, portraying sedation as rare and "an act of last resort." Neither is true, records and interviews indicate.

3 accused of using Humble corpse's head to smoke pot | - Houston Chronicle

Jones also revealed he and the other two boys took the severed head to the juvenile's home, where they used the skull as a "bong" to smoke marijuana, the officer said.

The Associated Press: Marines ignore Taliban cash crop to not upset Afghan locals

"Poppy fields in Afghanistan are the cornfields of Ohio," said Stover, 28, of Marion, Ohio. "When we got here they were asking us if it's OK to harvest poppy and we said, 'Yeah, just don't use an AK-47.'"

Pro-Idee United Kingdom - Spoon Scales

For 0.1 to 300g (0.005 to 10.5oz). Also ideal to precisely weigh a few drops of liquid.

Reason Magazine - Another Drug Raid Nightmare

In the case where a citizen mistakenly (and allegedly) shot through his door at a raiding police officer, the citizen is facing a murder charge; in the case where a raiding police officer mistakenly shot through a door and killed a citizen, there were no

Catch of the day: Cocaine

People here don't have to work. Every week, sometimes every day, 35kg sacks of cocaine drift in from the sea. The economy of this entire town of 50,000 tranquil souls is addicted to cocaine.

Neuroscience: One Pill Makes You Autistic -- And One Pill Changes You Back

It might also lead to recreational autism, where people who want to take a break from having messy emotions about other people decide to unplug and enter a state where human relationships are no more important than inanimate objects.

I Work Retail: Working At American Apparel Is All It's Coked Up To Be

Wage-wise, the retail workers were at the bottom of the totem pole, the real sweatshop workers of the organization. But they seemed like they were the most excited to be there. For which I always credited coke.

Drugs to build up that mental muscle - Los Angeles Times

In the world of classical music, beta blockers such as Inderal have become nearly as commonplace as metronomes.

LEAP: Promo

Current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition.

The Japanese Gallery of Psychiatric Art

Images from Japanese psychiatric medication advertisements : 1956-2003