it's tagged education

MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008 | Home

This subject is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. It also aims to help students, regardless of their major, to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class will use the Python™ programming language.

Elemental Scientific, LLC

A great selection of high quality products at low prices. Our chemistry is ecologically sized in 1oz., 4oz, 8oz and 16oz. for the experimenting chemist.

UN announces launch of world’s first tuition-free, online university

Admission opened just over two weeks ago and without any promotion some 200 students from 52 countries have already registered, with a high school diploma and a sufficient level of English as entry requirements.

Close the Book. Recall. Write It Down. -

If you're like many professors, you'll tell them something like this: Read carefully. Write down unfamiliar terms and look up their meanings. Make an outline. Reread each chapter. That's not terrible advice. But some scientists would say that you've left out the most important step: Put the book aside and hide your notes. Then recall everything you can. Write it down, or, if you're uninhibited, say it out loud.

The Future of Education by Thomas Frey

The primary missing pieces are a standard architecture for an organic courseware module and the software necessary to build this courseware. The solution to these missing pieces will be a participative courseware-builder that allows the general public to create courses on any conceivable topic. We expect many companies will attempt to solve this problem, but the market will quickly gravitate towards the one it likes best.

Chautauqua - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chautauqua is an adult education movement in the United States, highly popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Chautauqua assemblies expanded and spread throughout rural America until the mid-1920s. The Chautauqua brought entertainment and culture for the whole community, with speakers, teachers, musicians, entertainers, preachers and specialists of the day. Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt is quoted as saying that Chautauqua is "the most American thing in America."

Why is there Anti-Intellectualism?

As an observer and student of pseudoscience for thirty years, I have long been puzzled as to why exactly this phenomenon exists at all. Why is anti-intellectualism so pervasive? What possible benefit do people get from clinging to demonstrably false ideas? Why did the same society that flocked to Star Wars decide only a few years earlier that the real adventure of going to the Moon was too expensive to sustain? Given the wealth that innovation and inquiry have brought to our society, why are education and inquiry so grudgingly supported, and so often regarded with suspicion?

(Brian Eno) Singing: The Key To A Long Life : NPR

A few years ago a friend and I realized that we both loved singing but didn't do much of it. So we started a weekly a capella group with just four members. After a year we started inviting other people to join. We didn't insist on musical experience — in fact some of our members had never sung before. Now the group has ballooned to around 15 or 20 people. [...] Well here's what we do in an evening: We get some drinks, some snacks, some sheets of lyrics and a strict starting time. We warm up a bit first. The critical thing turns out to be the choice of songs. The songs that seem to work best are those based around the basic chords of blues and rock and country music. You want songs that are word-rich, but also vowel-rich[.]


The origins of the doctorate in particular dates back to the ijazat attadris wa 'l-ifttd ("license to teach and issue legal opinions") in the medieval Islamic legal education system, which was equivalent to the Doctor of Laws qualification and was developed during the 9th century after the formation of the Madh'hab legal schools. To obtain a doctorate, a student "had to study in a guild school of law, usually four years for the basic undergraduate course" and at least ten years for a post-graduate course.

Can You Become a Creature of New Habits? - New York Times

The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure, meaning that few of us inherently use our innovative and collaborative modes of thought.

America's Most Overrated Product: the Bachelor's Degree -

many institutions tend to educate students in the cheapest way possible: large lecture classes, with necessary small classes staffed by rock-bottom-cost graduate students

Want to Remember Everything You'll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm

You must clarify your goals, gain knowledge through spaced repetition, preserve health, work steadily, minimize stress, refuse interruption, and never resist sleep when tired. This should lead to radically improved intelligence and creativity.

Reed Elsevier to sell education arm [Harcourt]

The decision to sell its Harcourt education business mirrors a trend among major publishers, which have found that although such activities have performed relatively well, growth rates are not as high as they would like.

ASL Browser

Welcome to Michigan State University's ASL Browser web site, an online American Sign Language (ASL) browser where you can look up video of thousands of ASL signs and learn interesting things about them.

MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home

a free and open educational resource (OER) for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. It is true to MIT's values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: News :: 'You have to trust that the child will learn'

Under this ultimate form of "child-directed" learning, Abby used no set curriculum. She called her own hours, worked at her own pace and, most important, followed her own interests -- without taking tests or receiving grades,CST-NWS-un...

The "Real" School Is Not Free

And so today we have a public school system which has as its primary goal the socialization of our children.

How to be a genius

So what does create genius or extreme talent? Musicians have an old joke about this: How do you get to Carnegie Hall from here? Practise

If you could travel to the moon, what the Earth and Sun look like? This animation will show you the view from the Moon, assuming you are always staring at the Earth.

US child expert quits Britain over 'hidden crisis' in schooling for our vulnerable pupils

An Observer story triggered an NHS doctor's decision to speak out on discrimination against vulnerable pupils - and to return home early

Google Calculator (Cheat Sheet)

Solve mathematical problems with Google's built-in calculator function. Simply enter the expression you'd like evaluated in Google's web search box and hit the ENTER key or click the "Google Search" button

A Different Kind of Multiplication

It is often said that an important advantage of the decimal notation over the Roman one is that makes multiplication of numbers much easier.

elearnspace. everything elearning.

Traditional publishers of content (video, books, music) have been reluctant to embrace the "Internet model" for distribution of information. Instead, they have attempted to apply existing philosophies of content distribution to this medium.

eSchool News online

eSchool News is a monthly print newspaper providing the news and information necessary to help K-20 decision-makers successfully use technology and the Internet to transform North America's schools and colleges and achieve educational goals.

Alex Halavais » How to cheat good

So, to help students across the country cheat better, saving themselves both from easy detection and from incurring the wrath of insulted faculty, and leading to a much more harmonious school environment, I offer the following tips, based on recent experi

NewsForge | Open source package passes personal learning test

In the world of education, technology plays an ever-increasing role in student management and other administrative tasks. Teachers all over the world are using an open source GPL-licensed course management system called LON-CAPA, and the result are "revi

The LearningOnline Network with CAPA

The Free Open-Source Distributed Learning Content Management and Assessment System Sharing and using online learning and assessment materials across institutions and disciplines. Today. What is LON-CAPA?

SCHOOPY - Classroom Organizer, School Homepages, Useful Resources & Fun Games

Classroom Organizer, School Homepages, Uerful Resources and Fun Games


DonorsChoose is a simple way to provide students in need with resources that our public schools often lack.

Engrade Online Gradebook

Engrade is a free online gradebook that allows teachers to manage their classes online as well as post grades, assignments, attendance, and upcoming homework online for students and parents to see. Engrade is free and easy to use. Join over 10,000 teacher

NewsForge | A free education

The computers were used mainly for viewing children's educational Web sites, and playing simple Macromedia Flash games. I decided to introduce free software into her classroom. The results were heart-warming.

Teacher's Lounge

This is the home of the most outstanding high school faculty in the EPISD, the educators of Andress High School. The Lounge is designed as an educational resource for you to use in your classroom as an enhancement to your curriculum.

English grammar - 5-column-system - language school

Her goal was to make English grammar as user-friendly and as easily applicable as possible without having to explain it through the use of expansive grammatical terminology.

BAD PHYSICS: Misconceptions spread by K-6 Grade School Textbooks

This article was written in 1994 (one of the first things I put up on this site.) Lack of proper tags led me to use all-caps. I really should change those after ten years!

WTP Tutorials - Building a School Schedule Web Application

i'm more interested in the concept of this tutorial than in the implementation.