it's tagged food

FatSecret Platform API

The FatSecret Platform API provides you with full access to a comprehensive database of accurate food and nutrition information as well as an extensive range of exercise and weight management tools

USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 12

Access to Release 12 of the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference is provided here for those users who may wish to use it for historical reasons.

where is my milk from?

Find out about your milk, yogurt, chocolate milk, soy and organic milk, coffee creamer, cottage cheese, ice cream...see full list

Molds On Food: Are They Dangerous?

See the attached chart “Moldy Food: When to Use, When to Discard.”

- K.G sushi train

GRAND OPENING JAN20, 2009 you will be face with our wide selection of delicious sushi, which are conveyed in front of you on different coloured plates.

Whataburger moving headquarters to San Antonio | Business | - Houston Chronicle

The Whataburger hamburger chain is moving its corporate headquarters form Corpus Christi to San Antonio.

SFA | Oral History | Kentucky Bacon

In Kentucky, curing bacon and hams has been a necessity of life for generations.

Cognition nutrition | Food for thought |

Fernando Gómez-Pinilla [Prof. UCLA] believes that appropriate changes to a person’s diet can enhance his cognitive abilities, protect his brain from damage and counteract the effects of ageing.

How to break the habit of wasting food - The Guardian

To suggest that the average householder is to blame for our colossal national wastage is to ignore the way that the food industry has been allowed to develop in this country.

When Red Meat Meets Red Wine by Bill Sardi

Researchers convincingly show that the unique array of antioxidants in red wine completely counters and even reduces the production of free radicals produced by iron-rich meat after a meal, providing further evidence for the health benefits of drinking re

Op-Ed Contributor - Yes, We Will Have No Bananas - Op-Ed -

They’re grown thousands of miles away, they must be transported in cooled containers and even then they survive no more than two weeks after they’re cut off the tree.

Sweet Berry Farm -- hmm hmm good!

We have two farms for you to choose from: the Marble Falls farm (west of Austin) and the Lexington farm (east of Austin).

Officials investigating salmonellosis outbreak

As they work to determine the source, health officials are advising that people not eat any raw Roma or full-sized round tomatoes other than those sold attached to the vine or grown at home.

Iconfactory : Software : Dineomatic

Dine-O-Matic is a fun Dashboard widget created by the Iconfactory and Joesph Roback for Mac OS X that randomly selects a place to eat out when you just can't make up your mind.

Deckchairs On The Titanic: What's The Deal With All This Rice And Flour Hoarding?

Not "the market" as comprised of Lamborghini-driving Wall Street types, but the purer market made up of individuals acting to protect their economic interests.

Welcome Letter to New visitors

Really, Walton Feed's mission is two fold: We supply foods already packed for long term storage and we are also a low cost source of whole, unprocessed, nutritionally sound foods for immediate consumption.

Japan's hunger becomes a dire warning for other nations

While soaring food prices have triggered rioting among the starving millions of the third world, in wealthy Japan they have forced a pampered population to contemplate the shocking possibility of a long-term — perhaps permanent — reduction in the qual

Food Karma Alert

This blog is my attempt to provide you with information around issues impacting our food supply and actions you can take to influence them.

Food Safety: Spinach Facilities Are Unsafe, Disgusting And The FDA Doesn't Care

It appears that FDA is inspecting high-risk facilities infrequently, failing to take vigorous enforcement action when it does inspect and identify violations, and not even inspecting the most probable sources of many outbreaks.

GOOD 009 - Features - Buying Organic

See which of the country’s largest food producers are behind your favorite organic snacks.

Dishola - Spicy Fish at Asia Market - Reviews

If this food could email you, it would type with the Caps Lock always on: HOT, FLAKY, CRUNCHY, CRISPY, YUMMY (well, now i have to try it)

IDEAL POULTRY - Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Guineas, Bantams, Chicks, Turkeys, Poultry, Birds, Fowl

Live poultry delivery source, in Cameron, Texas; "IDEAL is the largest supplier of backyard poultry in the United States, shipping close to 4 million chicks annually."

Soybeans Soar to Record, Grains Rally as Demand Erodes Supply

"We can't grow our way out of this grain-shortage hole,'' said Jim Gerlach, president of A/C Trading Inc. in Fowler, Indiana. ``We'll have to price our way out."

Unclutterer » Archive » Uncluttering your refrigerator’s crisper

A number of months ago, I started to wonder about my refrigerator and if the crisper drawer should even be used at all

A High Price for Healthy Food - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog

Energy-dense munchies cost on average $1.76 per 1,000 kcal, compared with $18.16 per 1,000 kcal for low-energy but nutritious foods.

[Column] FTA and food ’mileage’ : Editorial & Opinion : Home

Two years ago, in Japan’s Aomori Prefecture, three middle school students decided to conduct a somewhat strange investigation. They wanted to find out just how far the food used in their school cafeteria had traveled before reaching their table.