it's tagged howto

Python Project Howto

You have a pile of Python code. You think, “this could be useful to someone else.” You want to release it as an open-source project. You’ve come to the right place. This guide will help you release a high-quality Python project. The file layout below illustrates the correspondence between the components of a good Python project and the files you create.

Don’t want to pay $10,000 to have an iTunes LP version of your album? Make your own

But the hype was curbed when it was discovered that there was a $10,000 fee associated with the service, putting it completely out of reach for less affluent artists and small labels who can’t afford that price for promotion.


[I want to buy a printer, just to have a print out of this]

How to Reduce Camera Shake - 6 Techniques

Here are 6 options for avoiding camera shake and achieving crisp, delicious images no matter the length of the lens, no matter the shutter speed.

Study Hacks » Blog Archive » The Art of Speaking: "There is a special circle in hell for those who use laser pointers," this and other advice from a master speaker.

Every January, during MIT’s Independent Activities Period, Computer Science Professor Patrick Henry Winston gives a famed lecture titled: How to Speak

How to Work the Room « FoundRead

Also, help your host wiggle by wrangling them away from guests who are monopolizing or “hotboxing” them. They will thank you later.

MacWhiz Technologies

Everyone has had a bad customer support experience at some point in their life. In today's world, the "service-oriented" companies don't see customer service as the "service" they provide. It can be difficult to get help for problems that seem simple and

SuperNaturale \ T-Shirt Underwear

I took my old t-shirts and gave them new life. They were reincarnated as underwear.

Managing your iTunes Library on an External Hard Drive | iLounge

This tutorial is intended for both the average and slightly advanced iTunes user and will provide the necessary information that you need to know about moving your iTunes library onto an external hard drive, or even a secondary internal hard drive

Screenprint Answers by Bill Hood

Comprehensive Solutions for Bringing Control to the Screenprinting Process (ed: WITH ATTITUDE!)

Silk Screen Printing Instructions

All methods of photographic Screen Printing require three things: (1) a screen prepared with a light-sensitive coating, (2) a film positive, or equal, and (3) a light source that will enable you to transfer the opaque images on your positive to the light-

Take Zer0

Hosted by the guys over at Out of Focus Studio, Take Zer0 is a weekly videocast on the subject of filmmaking that gives you everything you need to know before take one.

Beatnik Turtle: Indie Band Survival Guide

Or, everything we’ve learned so far: Research, articles, stories, and practical know-how about the music industry written from an independent band’s perspective.

SiteGround: MediaWiki Tutorial: How to install Mediawiki

If you are a customer of SiteGround, you can request an installation of Mediawiki from your Customer Area.

Use YouTube to learn Photoshop: etc: quick links to good stuff

Both YouTube and MetaCafe have a lot of photoshop video tutorials and while not all are the best quality video, the ability to see techniques in action with video is great for quick learning.

How to Make a Folded-Paper CD Case » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: folded, paper, cd, case

For a personal touch, print labels and photos on the front center of paper to give your cd holder some pizzazz. (Pizzazz!)

Vitamin Features » How To Name Your Company

# # Each syllable starts with a strong consonant (B, C, D, G, K, P, Q, T)

How to Properly Clean your LCD Screen - [Geeks are Sexy] technology news

The recipe is easy: Mix the Isopropyl alcohol and distilled water in equal parts (50/50) inside an empty Windex-like bottle. Do not use tap water!

Hivelogic - The Narrative - Building Ruby, Rails, Mongrel, and MySQL on Mac OS X

This article is a major update to the older (but tried-and-true) post, Building Ruby, Rails, LightTPD, and MySQL on Tiger.

Google Operating System: How to Add Search to Google Reader

Search is one of the most requested features for Google Reader. Until this feature is implemented, there's a simple workaround: you can use Google Co-op to create a search engine restricted only to the sites you're subscribed to.

Wave Bubble

This website details the design and construction Wave Bubble: a self-tuning, wide-bandwidth portable RF jammer. The device is lightweight and small for easy camoflauging: it is the size of a pack of cigarettes. (I love cigarettes)

37signals: An Introduction to Using Patterns in Web Design

I'm going to show you how to sidestep your habits and assumptions and use patterns to make better design decisions

Build a solar iPod charger

I have attempted to safely mimmic the power from a USB connections. Namely, 5VDC and less than 500mA. But, this could destroy your iPod, create a rift in space-time or bring about the end of the world.

Photojojo » Panographies: Panoramas on Steroids

Taking dozens of photos of a scene, she assembles a patchwork of images that more accurately represents what your eyes see

Command-Tab » Hamachi on Mac OS X

However, I did learn how to use a great VPN tool, Hamachi, and I thought I would detail the steps needed to get it running under Mac OS X

House Hacker :: Stuff for Home

I've installed a ceiling fan, fixed the disposal, and the dish washer!

Accounts from Real Space: The Awesome Friends Cable

I realized that the phone does have an audio out so I made this cable last night so that I could get phone activity directly into a recording device.

Strobist: How To: DIY $10 Macro Photo Studio

If you have this stuff, the only thing you will need to buy is two sheets of posterboard - black and white. Total damage would be less than $2. Don't blow the rent money.

NewsForge | A look at the FreeNAS server

FreeNAS, an open source NAS server, can convert a PC into a network-attached storage server. The software, which is based on FreeBSD, Samba, and PHP, includes an operating system that supports various software RAID models and a Web user interface.

General Disarray » Blog Archive » Ten things every Microsoft Word user should know

I really love Microsoft Office, because I don't have a choice of another office suite to love. I mean, OpenOffice, I guess. But who uses that? Computer hippies, that's who!

Tim Matheson » How to build a magstripe reader from scratch

You will need a magnetic head which are very common I recommend a magnetic head from an old tape deck. It is important to be careful not to damage the head when removing it.

How to remote shutdown your Windows XP machine with a text message

Basically you setup a rule in outlook to look for say a keyword in the subject line of an email. Then you select run application as the action for when that keyword is found

Long-term backup [dive into mark]

how do you back up 100 GB of data per year for 50 years?

Printing power tips - Lifehacker

freeware Windows utility called PrintFile offers n-up printing for text and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files. For even more flexibility, some printers have n-up capabilities built into the printer driver, allowing n-up printing regardless of the applic

HOWTO Backup Your DVD Movies

Between this and the 599 TB server... I could start a video store...

Beginner's Guide to Professional Word Documents

For Word to work correctly, however, there are several Golden Rules you need to followed.

My Electronics Hobby: Telephone FM Transmitter

With some modification, I create my own version of FM Telephone bug complete with stripboard layout. Theortically, the frequency range is from 88MHz to 94MHz but you may experiment with the coil structure to tune it

Portable magnetic card reader

The HandySwipe provides a portable magnetic card reader interface and display. It collects card data from a "Type 2" card reader, and displays the data on a small character LCD screen. Type 2 stripes are by far the most common in use, such as on credit ca

Track Anyone With a Cell

The key to this project is the government’s Enhanced 911 program, which will soon require all cellphones to transmit a GPS signal so that police can locate callers in need.

How to Cook Rice Perfectly

Aside from differences in culture, many Americans shy away from rice due to a fear of cooking it. (Hence the popularity of instant rice, which offers "perfect" rice--in exchange for flavor and texture.)

Ask Lifehacker: How'd you make those screencasts? - Lifehacker

We’ve been test-driving quite a few different screen capture applications here at Lifehacker over time for all the screencasts we’ve published. My best experience so far has been with the software I used to produce the Scrapbook screencast: TechSmith

build a 1 terrabyte file server for <$500

and yet, i only have 50 megs of email space on the work email server....