Targeting Google Maps on a service level would not only affect Motorola's own insignificant sales in Germany, but would also have an impact on every other smartphone maker relying upon Google Maps.
This tutorial is intended for developers who are familiar with PHP/MySQL, and want to learn how to use Google Maps with a MySQL database. After completing this tutorial, you will have a Google Map based off a database of places. The map will differentiate between two types of places—restaurants and bars—by giving their markers distinguishing icons. An info window with name and address information will display above a marker when clicked.
[Austin is just outside the constitution-free zone] Using data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the ACLU has determined that nearly 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders. The government is assuming extraordinary powers to stop and search individuals within this zone. This is not just about the border: This " Constitution-Free Zone" includes most of the nation's largest metropolitan areas.
What is your favorite?
What's your favorite map projection
Basically you run Google Earth and use some great donation-ware to link it in real time to a GPS.
The purpose of the Libre Map Project is to aggregate and make digital maps and related GIS data available for Free.
Do you need a simple prepared map that you can print at home, at school, or in the office? Look below at our expanding list of maps formatted to be viewed, printed, or downloaded.