it's tagged music

Musical Instrument Museum | Plan Your Visit

Monday – Saturday  9 a.m.–5 p.m. Sunday  10 a.m.–5 p.m. First Friday of each month  9 a.m.–9 p.m.

Jerry Garcia's "TIGER GUITAR" by Doug Irwin

From the preamp, the signal goes to an onboard effects loop switch, which routs the signal either directly to the guitar's volume control or to Garcia's effect (via a TRS jack), and then back into the guitar (through the same TRS jack) to the guitar's volume control. From there, the signal finally goesout the main output The genius of this wiring is that it allowed Garcia to keep full volume going to the pedals while controlling his output volume from the guitar.  The advantage is that the tone and response of the pedals would not change with the guitar's output volume, as it normally would if Garcia plugged directly into them.  The wiring also allowed for a true bypass of the effects when they weren't in use.

The music classifying nightmare

I resigned myself; Music is a form of art, thus it is not, and must not ever be limited to a binary mind.

How to pirate a vinyl record

DIY method to copy a vinyl record, making a copy that you can actually play on a turntable.

Combination CD and vinyl record – on one disc

The idea is that one side of the record is a normal CD that plays on a normal CD player, the other side is a 5″ vinyl pressing that you can play on a regular turntable.

BandCentral – Management tools for musicians

BandCentral gives bands, managers & labels a suite of easy-to-use tools to help organize everything from; gigs & tours, band finances and release management, to fan relationships and inter-team communication – all from within one central multi-login BandHub™

The Swinger « Music Machinery

One of my favorite hacks at last weekend’s Music Hack Day is Tristan’s Swinger.  The Swinger is a bit of python code that takes any song and makes it swing.  It does this be taking each beat and time-stretching the first half of each beat while time-shrinking the second half.  It has quite a magical effect. From the Author - Neal Pollack

In Minneapolis on the last night of the tour, Dakota, my rhythm guitarist, plays a cover of "Best Friend's Girl." He's met with dead silence. [In Minneapolis, we should've gone with Purple Rain]

[0909.3976] The Information Theory of Emotions of Musical Chords

The paper offers a solution to the centuries-old puzzle - why the major chords are perceived as happy and the minor chords as sad - based on the information theory of emotions. A theory and a formula of musical emotions were created. They define the sign and the amplitude of the utilitarian emotional coloration of separate major and minor chords through relative pitches of constituent sounds

Classical artists such as Hilary Hahn chart big on Billboard with little sales -

Sales of 200 or 300 units are enough to land an album in the top 10. Hahn's No. 1 recording, after the sales spike resulting from her appearance on Conan, bolstered by blogs and press, sold 1,000 copies.

On gospel, Abba and the death of the record: an audience with Brian Eno

Sorry mate – history's moving along. Recorded music equals whale blubber. Eventually, something else will replace it.


More often than not, your amps output is more than your ears can handle. To maintain the tone of a cranked amp with saturated tubes and output transformers, a device called an attenuator is placed between the output of your amp and the speaker. Weber offers a variety of attenuators for different applications.

Open Letter From OK Go - OK Go

Advertisers aren’t too keen on paying for ads when they don’t know where the ads will appear (“Dear users of, try Gerber’s new low-lactose formula!”), so there are a lot of hurdles to get over.

PLoS ONE: A Biological Rationale for Musical Scales

Scales are collections of tones that divide octaves into specific intervals used to create music. Since humans can distinguish about 240 different pitches over an octave in the mid-range of hearing , in principle a very large number of tone combinations could have been used for this purpose. Nonetheless, compositions in Western classical, folk and popular music as well as in many other musical traditions are based on a relatively small number of scales that typically comprise only five to seven tones. Why humans employ only a few of the enormous number of possible tone combinations to create music is not known. Here we show that the component intervals of the most widely used scales throughout history and across cultures are those with the greatest overall spectral similarity to a harmonic series. These findings suggest that humans prefer tone combinations that reflect the spectral characteristics of conspecific vocalizations.

Custom Chocolate Compact Disk Chocolate CD Chocolate DVD

Compact Disk / CD / DVD Molded in Chocolate. Perfect for album release parties or promotions.

RUSH COIL 8-bit Christmas

Rush Coil presents 8-BIT CHRISTMAS, a full-length album inspired by classic video game music.

Apple - iTunes - iTunes LP and iTunes Extras

Here’s everything you need to know to create a rich, interactive experience around your music and movies. All right in iTunes.

Indie rock band on the run in India? (UPDATED!) | Über Desi

So when a couple of rocking (half?) naked head-bangers decide to snog each other on stage, it was perhaps a certainty that these “authorized safe keepers of the nation’s morality” were bound to step in, with or without invitation (hat-tip DoZ, via email).

T.M.L.: Kasso - Kasso

Kasso was created by Claudio Simonetti, of Goblin fame, and Giancarlo Meo, producer manager of Banana Records, after Easy Going was put to bed. [I recommend the track Walkman]

CDForge : CD, DVD and CD-ROM Duplication and Manufacturing

Based in Portland, OR, CDForge has been replicating CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and related packaging for customers since 1996. Getting a good deal is important, but so is personal attention and respect. CDForge acts as your representative throughout the production process to insure that your project comes in on time, on budget, without hassles.

999 drum machine circle 999 | The Awthum Empire

Drum Machine Circle 2 on September 9 2009. the heralding the last few digits before the astronomical odometer clicks over on 12/21/12! celebrate the occasion with a new wave form of drum circle. eat from the tree of knowledge and be reborn an animated gif. spectators and participants welcome alike. any drum machine/rythm keyboard/oscillator/iphohe/laptop/beat droid/time machine or interpretable are encouraged accompanyed by an amp. attempts at making a multi pointed star with the use of a laser pointer will be made and all are also encouraged to bring mirrors of any size to help. Gatherings will commence on the middle of the lamar pedestrian bridge starting at 9pm and running till whenever past midnight.

The end of free lyrics? | Entertainment & HDTV | Playlist | Macworld

What leads me to that belief is the rumored Cocktail and CMX initiatives. According to the Financial Times, Apple has engaged with EMI, Sony Music, Warner Music, and Universal Music Group to bundle interactive booklets with album downloads from the iTunes Store. Unlike the PDF digital booklets bundled with a few albums, these interactive booklets will be more broadly available and, along with lyrics, photos, and liner notes, include interactive elements (possibly playing albums outside the iTunes environment). Meanwhile, according to The Guardian, the record companies are at work on a competing standard called CMX, which will offer the same sort of capabilities.

Curt Smith on the (Musical) Value of Sharing | GOOD

Artists have always created things with the goal of sharing them with people, and that idea goes way back. If you wrote music, you would go out and perform it on the street corner or you would perform it in a club; you wanted to be heard and share it with people. So I think the primary reason to make art is to share it with people. I don’t primarily make music just for me, I want it to be listened to by other people, I want people to take it apart, I want people to delve into it and get the different textures and different meanings of lyrics. That kind of stuff I find fascinating. I like to delve into music or any form of art; then I actually feel like I’m involved in it. The difficulty right now lies with how we monetize that. Without sounding completely cold, unless we find a consistent way of monetizing it, then we can’t do it any more. We love the stories of the starving artist, but there is only so long you can starve before you are actually going to have to go out and find a job.

The Carbon Case for Downloading Music - Green Inc. Blog -

[Not counted in the graph: electricity usage, manufacturing of mp3 or CD players, hosting, etc]

Akai MPC 2000 Compact Flash Drive Kit ( External SCSI MCD )

Modernize your MPC 2000 Classic or MPC 3000 (with 3.5 OS) with the SCSI Compact Flash Drive Kit - Zip Drives are a thing of the past. This external drive is fast, completely silent, high capacity, and uses new technology Compact Flash Cards up to 1 GIGABYTE ( Thats 694 Floppy discs worth in one single card )

NPR: Deal Reached On Internet Radio Royalty Rates

Under the agreement announced today, online music sites will pay copyright holders up to 25 percent of any money they make. [What if you start a site whose purpose is not to make money on streaming music... not to make money at all?]


Legion of Rock Stars (LRS) pioneered Pure Pleasure, in which the band listens to original recordings of classic rock and pop songs on 30db noise-blocking headsets, and then plays along. Freed from the shackles of practicing, LRS focuses instead on bringing the excitement of a large stadium rock show to the intimate arenas in which it performs.

The Concert of the Present - Gresham College | Lectures and Events

Every lecture of mine at Gresham has dwelt upon the ways in which the position of music in our society is different from that of earlier societies. For a start, we now listen to their music a lot more than we do to our own, something that would have astonished earlier listeners. That preponderance of old music and the loss of mass ownership of what is new are, in part, because some of what we hear for the first time is not much good; worse, because some of the least durable stuff gains the highest exposure, the public perception of what is 'new music' in the classical stream is often shaped by an unrepresentative sample.

The Concert of the Past - Gresham College | Lectures and Events

This talk addresses the related question of what constitutes a work’s identity. Does music reside within score or performance - in its body or its soul? If in the score, as modern ‘authenticity’ traditions suggest, is interpretation defunct? It is hoped to introduce a leading thinker who argues that what we hear is ‘the work’, and that a vocabulary of performance style is needed to help us define music through its realisation.

Music or The Vocabulary of Music - Gresham College | Lectures and Events

When I hear the phrase 'now that's what I call music', I feel nothing less than a huge pang of envy. This has been tempered by the sloganising of this phrase, which now acts as a parody of its previous self, but even in its parodic version it reminds us of a nostalgic certainty, about what music is and where it lives, that as a composer I can never enjoy and which, for me, is in fact a total fiction. I am less and less sure what it is that I call music (although, of course, I know when I hear it).

Band Metrics - Private Beta

Band Metrics helps musicians and bands analyze and measure the success of their music. We're in private beta at the moment, but register for an account, and we'll let you in as soon as we can.

Renewable Music: The Ancient Habits of Musicians

The burial is that of a 45 year old male. The grave goods included bridles, archery equipment, a harp, a leather basket, and a wooden bowl. Both the basket and the bowl were filled with vegetative matter - about 789 grams (~ 1 pound 11 ounces). Radiocarbon dating was performed and a calibrated date of 2,700 years BP was returned. Analysis of the vegetative material indicated it was Cannabis sativa. Furthing testing indicated it was psychoactive.

Brenda Stardom [ Frank Zappa's Amazing Vision ]


The More You Know: Joe The Engineer's Glossary Of Recording Terms, Part II

Quick tangent: for all those who bemoan the use of this effect, remember that when people started using distorted guitars there were plenty who felt that it was a misuse of the technology and only used by those who couldn't really play. Those are the two main complaints I hear about Autotune. [Never has a single sentence made me more interested in exploring Auto-Tune DSPs]

John Mellencamp: On My Mind: The State of the Music Business

Consider how enriched all of our lives are made by songs from "Like A Rolling Stone," a masterpiece, to "The Monster Mash," a trifle by comparison. [Personally, my life was also enriched by "The Monster Mash."]

Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts

Providing pro bono legal and accounting services to artist and non-profit organizations since 1979. Serving the entire State of Texas.

the project


In search of the click track « Music Machinery

Sometime in the last 10 or 20 years, rock drumming has changed. Many drummers will now don headphones in the studio (and sometimes even for live performances) and synchronize their playing to an electronic metronome - the click track. This allows for easier digital editing of the recording. Since all of the measures are of equal duration, it is easy to move measures or phrases around without worry that the timing may be off. The click track has a down side - some say that songs recorded against a click track sound sterile, that the missing tempo deviations added life to a song. [Peel does not and has not ever used a click track for recording]

Former NiN Drummer Takes Album Promotion A Step Further

Now, if this isn’t changing the way music business works, I don’t know what is.

Custom Printed Blank CD-Rs and DVD-Rs, Pre-printed Discs, Blank Printed CD

Make a great impression with high quality silkscreen or offset printing on your blank discs. These discs are ready to be burned - on your schedule. Our pricing below includes Premium 52x CD-Rs or 8x DVD-Rs. We offer 1-color or 2-color silkscreen media, or for an amazing look, we are the first to offer 5-color Offset Print for both blank CDs and DVDs. Starting at only .03 more than the price of blank media.

When the Best Seat in the House Is in Your Home -

“The performances are very intimate and come without the external hype and pressure of performing on the stage,” Mr. Lesczak added. “What this proves is that you do not need Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center to make art happen — art can happen anywhere.”

Judge: 17,000 illegal downloads don't equal 17,000 lost sales

Jones wrote in his opinion that equating each download with a lost sale is a faulty assumption. "Those who download movies and music for free would not necessarily purchase those movies and music at the full purchase price," Jones wrote. "[A]lthough it is true that someone who copies a digital version of a sound recording has little incentive to purchase the recording through legitimate means, it does not necessarily follow that the downloader would have made a legitimate purchase if the recording had not been available for free."

Nielsen SoundScan 2008 Sales Figures Released

In 2008, sales of LPs were up by an impressive 89%, from 990,000 in '07 to 1.88 million this year. It's an astounding number considering that the combined sales of CDs, LPs and digital files fell 14% this year.

Iggy Pop: 'I was looking for an elegant coma' -

I excel at staring into space. I'm really good at that. It helps the writing a little bit, the kind of writing that works for music, which is tiny writing. It's not like writing a novel -- it's all about making your point small.

(Brian Eno) Singing: The Key To A Long Life : NPR

A few years ago a friend and I realized that we both loved singing but didn't do much of it. So we started a weekly a capella group with just four members. After a year we started inviting other people to join. We didn't insist on musical experience — in fact some of our members had never sung before. Now the group has ballooned to around 15 or 20 people. [...] Well here's what we do in an evening: We get some drinks, some snacks, some sheets of lyrics and a strict starting time. We warm up a bit first. The critical thing turns out to be the choice of songs. The songs that seem to work best are those based around the basic chords of blues and rock and country music. You want songs that are word-rich, but also vowel-rich[.]

Internet Archive: Details: Pat O'Daniel and his Hillbilly Boys

I like Mountain Music, Good ole Mountain Music, Played by a real hillbilly band. I like bread and biscuits, Big, white fluffy biscuits, Hillbilly flour makes 'em grand. So while we sing and play And try to make folks happy, We hope you'll say, Please pass the biscuits, pappy


Opentape is a free, open-source package that lets you make and host your own mixtapes on the web.

Vinyl records make a return

"A lot of younger kids are discovering it, and it just blows away the sound of MP3, especially if it's really compressed," said Tom Smith, general manager at the Exclusive Co., 423 Dousman St., Green Bay. Last year, manufacturers shipped 1.3 million vinyl LPs and EPs, a 36 percent increase from 2006, when fewer than 1 million were shipped, according to the Recording Industry Association of America. The dollar value of LPs shipped last year was just shy of $23 million, according to that organization. Nearly 450 million CDs were sold last year, versus just less than 1 million LPs, according to Nielsen SoundScan. Based on the first three months of this year, Nielsen says vinyl album sales could reach 1.6 million for 2008. [...] About 5.5 percent of their music sales are vinyl. Smith said he would like to see that number increase to around 8 percent by this time next year.

Does The New Business Of Music Change The Way Music Sounds? at FISTFULAYEN

I was on a panel at Bandwith Conference last week and the “Who is going to play The Staples Center in five years?” question came up again. I answered (again), “Who the fuck wants to see a show at The Staples Center?”

nodal: home page

Nodal is a generative software application for composing music.

The Believer - A Blaze in the North American Sky

AMERICAN BLACK METAL BANDS SPECIALIZE IN A UNIQUELY BRUTAL, HOMEGROWN SOUND, BUT THEY DON’T ACTUALLY KILL PEOPLE. SO WHY SHOULD THEY BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY? DISCUSSED: Multiple Stab Wounds, Inner-Scene Power Struggles, The Suicide of a Man Named Dead, Untitled Salt Sculptures, Japanese Literature, Pretzels, Hash, Necklaces Made of Teeth and Bones, The Common Conflation of Two Different Metals, Corpse Paint, Dude-ish Tracksuits, Illinois, The Sound of the Ghost of a Strangulated Raven, How Dreaming About Killing People Is More Radical Than Killing People

Words and chords. The semantic shifts of the Beatles' chords

On average there are 8.24 chords per song for the forty-six early originals the Beatles performed on record from 1962 till the end of 1964.

Visualizing Artikulation

When you hear it you can’t help but think of R2D2, and yet Artikulation was written 20 years before Star Wars was released.

The Associated Press: High fuel prices put brakes on indie band tours

"Once I ran the numbers it was a 'There's no (expletive) way' kind of moment," Garcia said. After much hand-wringing and grumbling from bookers who'd scheduled the band to play, Garcia canceled the tour. [Loser]

Recording Industry Decries AM-FM Broadcasting as 'A Form of Piracy' | Threat Level from

Internet, cable and satellite broadcasters pay royalties to all participants involved. Singers, musicians and the labels get no royalties when AM-FM radio broadcasters air their songs.

Album Art - Lifehacker

Eventually I will care that my album art is practically non-existent. Also, I need more music.

Longhorn Cavern State Park - Special Events Calendar

A live entertainment series in the cave, "Simple Sounds," is exactly that, just the musician(s), their instrument(s), and the acoustics of the cavern, a truly "unplugged" performance

Texas Governor Rick Perry - Enjoy Texas Music License Plate Questions and Guidelines

Funds received through your purchase of the Enjoy Texas Music license plate will go toward one of two programs: To finance (in whole or in part) the purchase of a musical instrument from any Texas retailer by students who could otherwise not afford them;


This OS operates with the following product. MPC1000, MPC1000BK, MPC1000BK-N

Music Thing: The MPC1000's hacked OS now plays Pong

The unnoficial OS has given the MPC1000 most of the functions of the more expensive MPC2500, and more. JJ are planning to sell a finalised version for $35, which will - apparently - include this version of Pong

Citizine History - Rise of Hardcore Punk in Corpus Christi (Angkor Wat, Tim Stegall)

Punk rock finally arrived in Corpus Christi, Texas, in 1986 [coincidentally, I moved to Corpus Christi in 1986]

Banned musical instrument “causes insanity” | The Oddstrument Collection

The glass armonica’s ghostly notes will cause insanity in its musicians and listeners! At least this is what was thought to be true in the 18th century.

BEYOND THE BEAT GENERATION archives and publishes the entire, long forgotten 'wild' musical gems out of the great years of the sixties (1965-1969) to a bright audience by using today's technology as we call 'Stream Radio'.

The day the music died [dive into mark]

You can now purchase some music from the iTunes store that is unencrypted and plays anywhere. Apple calls these songs “iTunes Plus”, because it sounds so much better than calling everything else “iTunes Minus.”

Art of Modern Rock - Rock Posters - Book Review - Esquire

You don't need to read to appreciate the sexy rock posters in Art of Modern Rock: Poster Girls. You just need to ogle.

Feast of Music » Yanko Design

Built like a marimba, The varying sized top surfaces create different tones when struck.

Apple passes Wal-Mart, now #1 music retailer in US

Overall, paid downloads accounted for almost 30 percent of all music sold in January

Record Covers - a photoset on Flickr

My fav designs from the cosmic and not so cosmic worlds of disco, progressive rock, new wave, avant garde, hip hop, etc etc

Hot Jazz Saturday Night

Every Saturday from 8 until 11 p.m., the air is filled with the sounds of vintage jazz presented by host Rob Bamberger.

Fight for control at SXSW | Austin Music Source

[...] in some cases they just want to pose as the “rebels” while casting us as the “man.” How billion-dollar corporations can get so many people to believe that is a mystery to me.

aM laboratory

8bitboy is an amiga modplayer for the flash9 playr

collision detection: Why audiophiles are dying out

In fact, I've come to believe that crappy technology -- lousy studios, horrible playback devices -- is a boon to pop music.

City of Austin - Live From The Plaza Concert Series: Home Page

The concerts are held every Friday from mid-March to mid-June and mid-September to mid-December.

Music in the Air — Musical Performances at Austin-Bergstrom

The Stage is next to the Highland Lakes Bar located in the center of the terminal building on the concourse level. Live music performances are located on the secure side of the concourse, accessible to ticketed passengers only.

Grace Slick

Slick stated that the main reason she retired from the music business was that "all rock-and-rollers over the age of 50 look stupid and should retire."

How to find your BMI Account Number

If you do not have the above sample documents available please contact your regional BMI writer/publisher relations office for your Account Number.

"Guitar + Vox + OhMiBod" on NOTCOT

The guitar needs to be run through an amp, too. Then put the vibrator on the guitar and you would have an endless stream of noises.

The Replacements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During this time, they acquired an "anti-video" reputation. The video for "Bastards of Young" featured nothing more than a single shot of a speaker, while "The Ledge" (which MTV would not play on account of the lyrical themes) featured the band sitting ar

US States sue RJ Reynolds for Rolling Stone ad - International Herald Tribune

The lawsuits also seek removal of the ad campaign images from all Web sites and promotions, including the packaging of a related music CD that was mailed out in some states

The Daily Swarm - Kill Rock Stars: Camel targets indie rock

According to several managers and labels contacted by The Daily Swarm, Camel’s support consists primarily of $1500 licensing fees for tracks included on a promotional CD (supposedly 1 million copies of The Farm CD will be handed out at shows this year)

The Daily Swarm - J(oe Camel) Mascis: Dinosaur Jr. reunion tour was truly to die for

But talking with Lou earlier this year he said those shows paid bank. If I was in his position I’d probably do it too. I guess as long as Camel keeps throwing money at them they’ll stay on tour and ultimately together. So thats a good thing.

Antismoking Activist Calls Rolling Stone Insert ‘One Great Big Cigarette Ad’ - New York Times

In this instance, the Camel ads promoted a campaign and Web site devoted to “free range music” (, which supports independent record labels.

Pitchfork: Camel, Rolling Stone Under Fire for Indie Rock Ad

Still under debate are Camel-sponsored gigs, a number of which have popped up in recent years featuring big name indie acts like the Flaming Lips, Band of Horses, and the Faint.

My Way (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When David Bowie was asked to write English lyrics to "Comme d'habitude" in 1968, the song he came up with was "Even a Fool Learns to Love." However, Paul Anka bought the rights to the original French version, and Bowie's version was never released. "Life

Q & A with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails | Herald Sun

If I could do what I want right now, I would put out my next album, you could download it from my site at as high a bit-rate as you want, pay $4 through PayPal.,21985...


This is a fight to the death

Free to be DIY for you and me....

A guide to making a living making music out of your backpack, from anywhere, and everywhere.

Beatnik Turtle: Indie Band Survival Guide

Or, everything we’ve learned so far: Research, articles, stories, and practical know-how about the music industry written from an independent band’s perspective.

Lefsetz Letter » Blog Archive » Album Last Rites

We’ve got to kill the album. Actually, it’s already dead. It’s just that the artists and labels don’t know it.

CD Baby: How to Legally Sell Downloads of Cover Songs

The Copyright Act provides for what is called a “Compulsory License” for downloads and CD sales, which means that if you follow the steps set forth by statute, you can distribute your recording of that song on a CD or over the internet.


CDs for sale! See the other page to get it for free!



BLUES for You!

Blues ( Booze?) every day and every night !

kut : Item | Ghostland Observatory

A profile of the band Ghostland Observatory whose sizzling show at this year’s ACL Fest had thousands dancing to their irresistible beats.

Wired News: Music Makes Your Brain Happy

What we're learning about the part in the frontal lobe called BA47 is the most exciting. Music suggests that it's a region that helps us predict what comes next in a sequence.

Boing Boing: Electroplankton inventor creates new musical instrument

It consists of a 16 by 16 grid of LED buttons within a square aluminium frame about the same size as a lightpen tablet

Rather Ripped

Geffen Records will issue the CD edition while the band's own Goofin' Records will release the vinyl edition of the new album.

L01c - musicpad help

musicpad is an online musical notepad which lets you code your musical inspiration in a simple way and generate midi files

EFF: Frequently Awkward Questions for the Entertainment Industry

# The RIAA has sued over 20,000 music fans for file sharing, who have on average paid a $3,750 settlement. That's over $75,000,000.

keyboards & synthesizers

coverpop. same fellas as the previous link. another home run.

whitney music box var. 10 - chromatic - 64 pipe cyrpto calliope

a musical realization of the motion graphics of john whitney as described in his book "digital harmony" (i like this one the best, but you might not)

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The Devil's Music

But all of them rely heavily on tritones, a musical interval that spans three whole tones, like the diminished fifth or augmented fourth. This interval, the gap between two notes played in succession or simultaneously, was branded Diabolus in Musica or th